2019 Annual Meeting Recordings

Below are video recordings of presentations and discussion sessions held at the 18th Annual SDN Meeting, which took place in Cambridge, MA in August 28-31, 2019.

Session 1: Futures of Promise, Futures of Despair

  • Pierre-Benoit Joly and Claire Renard (LISIS)
    • The past futures of techno-scientific promises
  • Jeroen Oomen (University Utrecht)
    • Techniques of Futuring, and the Imagining of Desirable Futures
  • Geneva Smith (Harvard STS & University of New Mexico)
    • The Law of the Land: Charting Exclusion Zones at the Limits of Argentina’s Soybean Futures
  • Gabriel Dorthe (Université Catholique de Lille, Ethics EA 7446)
    • Too Big to Fit: The Coproduction of Despair

– No video available for this panel session. –

Session 2: Global Economies in Transition

  • Chris Jones (Arizona State University)
    • Growth Theory Contested: Economics and Epistemology Before Limits to Growth
  • Nina Frahm (TU-Munich) and Tess Doezema (Arizona State University)
    • Harmonizing Democracy: RRI and The New Governance of Global Markets
  • Pierre Delvenne (University of Liege) and Erik Aarden (University of Vienna)
    • Frictions in the Global Bioeconomy: Tracing Sociotechnical Connections in Agriculture and Biomedicine in Argentina and Singapore
  • Stefan Schäfer (IASS-Potsdam) and Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard STS)
    • Model, Molecule and Market: Global Public Reason in the Climate Regime


Session 3: New Climates of Citizenship

  • Warren Pearce and James Wilsdon (University of Sheffield)
    • Splintered Consensus: Climate change and the Making and Breaking of Scientific Authority at the Royal Society
  • Jens Marquardt (Stockholm University)
    • An Inconvenient Youth? How School Protests Challenge Established Climate Politics
  • Anna Bridel (London School of Economics)
    • Contesting Cyclones and Citizenship: The Politics of Risk Expertise Following Cyclone Ockhi in Kerala, India
  • Myanna Lahsen (Wageningen University)
    • Yellow Vests and Global Change Science: Paradoxical Balancing Acts and Delicate Questions


Roundtable: Teaching the Ethics of Technology

Margo Boenig-Liptsin (UC Berkeley), Nina Frahm / Sebastian Pfotenhauer (TU Munich), Ben Hurlbut (Arizona State University), Marc Saner (University of Ottawa), Melanie Smallman (University College London)


Session 4: Cross-Border Politics

  • Lara Rodriguez (The George Washington University)
    • The Emerging Knowledge and Regulatory Landscape of Induced Seismicity
  • Samantha Fried (Tufts University)
    • Landsat in Contexts: Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Data-to-Action Paradigm in Earth Remote Sensing
  • Alessandro Allegra (University College London)
    • Division of Expert Advisory Labour in Biotech Governance: Regulating Cloned Food in the European Union
  • Christiane Gerblinger (Australian National University)
    • The Language of the Rebuffed: A Critical Appraisal of how Policy Officials Communicate Expertise


SDN Manifesto


Memorial for Samuel Taylor-Alexander


Session 5: Changing Imaginaries of Self and Belonging

  • Sujatha Raman (Australian National University), Roda Madziva (University of Nottingham), and Joan Leach (Australian National University)
    • The Uses of Uncertainty: Communicating Expert Evidence of Radiological Age Assessment at the Border in the UK and Australia
  • Paul Trauttmansdorff (University of Vienna)
    • Imaginaries of Digital Border (In)security: The EU-LISA Agency and the Sociotechnical Assemblage of Border Surveillance
  • Maximilian Mayer (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)
    • The Convergence of Authoritarian Digitalization and the Post-Autonomous Individual
  • Matthew Sample (McGill University; Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal)
    • Re-Imagining Science, Re-Defining the Person: Co-Productionist Inquiry as Philosophy by Other Means


Session 6: Body Counts and Uncounted Bodies

  • Ingrid Metzler (University of Vienna)
    • “What This is Really All About”: Prenatal Testing and Democracy in Contemporary Germany
  • Abhinav Tyagi (IIT-Bombay)
    • Evolution of Biotechnology in India: (Re) emergent Form of Bio-politics
  • Samantha Vilkins (Australian National University)
    • Forging Stable Numbers from Political Controversy: The Case of the 2017 Australia Marriage Equality Plebiscite
  • Madisson Whitman (Purdue University)
    • Ordering Student Bodies: Data Clustering and Institutional Projects of Identity
  • Benjamin Wills (Hastings Center)
    • Telepharmacies, Trust, and Biosociality in the Golden Age of DTC


Yaron Ezrahi: The Necessary Fictions of Science and Democracy

Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard Kennedy School), Ben Hurlbut (Arizona State University), Ingrid  

Metzler (University of Vienna), Clark Miller (Arizona State University)


Session 7: Innovation and the Politics of Scale

  • Pouya Sepehr and Ulrike Felt (University of Vienna)
    • Reconfiguring ‘the Urban: Sociotechnical Imaginaries in the Making of “Smart Vienna”
  • Monamie Haines and Sharlissa Moore (Nanyang Technical University)
    • Energy Democracy as a Sociotechnical Proto-Imaginary and Its Implications for International Energy Development
  • Volkan Sayman, Jan-Peter Voss, and Jannik Stritt (TU Berlin)
    • Infrastructuring Knowledge Spaces of Politics: Designing Networks, Platforms, and Observatories for Translocal “Democratic Innovation”
  • Sebastian Pfotenhauer (TU Munich), Brice Laurent (Mines ParisTech), Kyriaki Papageorgiou (ESADE) and Jack Stilgoe (UCL)
    • Theorizing Scale in Innovation