
Membership in the Science and Democracy Network has had a tangible effect on scholarship. Below are a selection of published articles submitted by members that they feel have directly benefited from circulation and presentation within the SDN community.

From Science and Public Policy 31, No 2, (April 2004). Science and citizenship. Guest Editor: Sheila Jasanoff

  • Sheila Jasanoff, “Science and citizenship: a new synergy”
  • Rebecca Ellis, Claire Waterton, “Environmental citizenship in the making: the participation of volunteer naturalists in UK biological recording and biodiversity policy”
  • Marybeth Long Martello, “Global change science and the Arctic citizen”
  • Robert Doubleday, “Institutionalising non-governmental organization dialogue at Unilever: framing the public as ‘consumer-citizens'”
  • Alastair Iles, “Making seafood sustainable: merging consumption and citizenship in the United States”
  • Stefan Sperling, “Managing potential selves: stem cells, immigrants, and German identity”

Javiera Barandiaran

Regula Valerie Burri

  • Regula Valerie Burri, “Coping with Uncertainty: Assessing nanotechnologies in a Citizen Panel in Switzerland,” Public Understanding of Science 18, no. 5 (2009): 498-511.
  • Regula Valerie Burri, “Deliberating Risks Under Uncertainty: Experience, Trust,and Attitudes in a Swiss Nanotechnology Stakeholder Discussion Group,” NanoEthics 1 (2007): 143-154.

Mads Dahl Gjefsen

Robert Doubleday

  • Robert Doubleday, “Organizing Accountability: co-production of technoscientific and social worlds in a nanoscience laboratory,” Area 39 no. 2 (June 2007): 166-175.

Ulrike Felt

  • Ulrike Felt, and Maximilian Fochler, “Slim futures and the fat pill. Civic imaginations of innovation and governance in an engagement setting,” Science as Culture (April 2011).

Tim Forsyth

  • Tim Forsyth,’Ecological functions and functionings: towards a Senian approach to ecosystem services,’ Development and Change (in press)
  • Tim Forsyth, Deliberative democracy and climate change,’ Public Administration (in press)
  • Forsyth, Tim and Walker, Andrew (2014) Hidden alliances: rethinking environmentality and the politics of knowledge in Thailand’s campaign for community forestry. Conservation and Society . ISSN 0972-4923 (in press)
  • Forsyth, Tim and Johnson, Craig (2014) Elinor Ostrom’s legacy: governing the commons, and the rational choice controversy. Development and Change, 45 (5). ISSN 0012-155X (In Press)
  • Forsyth, Tim (2014) Climate justice is not just ice. Geoforum, 54 . pp. 230-232. ISSN 0016-7185
  • Tim Forsyth, ‘Integrating politics and science in political ecology,’ in Bryant, R. (ed) International handbook of political ecology, London: Elgar. (in press)
  • Tim Forsyth, Environmental science and society,’ in Richardson, D. et al (eds) The international encyclopedia of geography: people, the Earth, environment, and technology, Aldershot and New York: Wiley and AAG. (in press)
  • Tim Forsyth (2014) ‘Science,’ in Morin, J-F. and Amandine, O. (eds) Essential concepts of global environmental governance, London: Routledge.
  • Tim Forsyth (2014) ‘Science,’ pp. 218-228 in Death, C. (ed) Handbook on Critical Environmental Politics, London: Routledge.
  • Tim Forsyth (2012) ‘The politics of environmental science: Recent trends and important questions,’ pp. 1-15 in Bandyopadhyay, J., K. Chopra, and N. Ghosh (eds) Environmental Governance: Approaches, Imperatives, and Methods (Bloomsbury, New Delhi and INSEE: Indian Society for Ecological Economics).
  • Tim Forsyth and Jessica Ayers, “Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Strengthening Resilience through Development,” Environment 51, no. 4 (2009): 22-31.
  • Tim Forsyth, “Are environmental social movements socially exclusive? An historical study from Thailand,” World Development 35, no.12 (2007): 2110-2130.
  • Tim Forsyth, “Democratizing international environmental expertise about forests and climate,” in Environmental Governance: power and knowledge in a local-global world eds. G. Kutting and R. Lipschutz. (London: Routledge, 2004), 170-185.
  • Tim Forsyth, “Social movements and environmental democratization in Thailand,” in Earthly Politics: local and global in environmental governance, eds. S. Jasanoff and M. Long (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), 195-216.

David Guston

Rob Hagendijk

  • Rob Hagendijk and Alan Irwin, “Public deliberation and governance: Engaging with science and technology in contemporary Europe,” Minerva44, no. 2 (2006): 167-184.

Stephen Hilgartner

  • Stephen Hilgartner, “Intellectual property and the politics of emerging technology: Inventors, citizens, and powers to shape the future,” Chicago-Kent Law Review 84, no. 1 (2009): 197-224.

Alastair Iles

  • Alastair Iles, “Greening Chemistry: Emerging Epistemic Political Tensions in California and the United States,” Public Understanding of Science (forthcoming).
  • Alastair Iles, “Identifying Environmental Health Risks in Consumer Products: Non-Governmental Organizations and Civic Epistemology,” Public Understanding of Science 16, no. 4 (October 2007): 371-392.

Mrill Ingram

  • Mrill Ingram, “Disciplining Microbes in the Implementation of U.S. Federal Organic Standards,” Environment and Planning A 39, no.12 (2007): 2966-2882.
  • Mrill Ingram and Helen M. Ingram, “Credible Edibles: The Development of Federal Organic Regulations,” Routing the Opposition: Social Movements and Public Policy, ed. D. Mayer (Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press), 121-148.

Pierre-Benoit Joly

  • Jane Calvert and Pierre-Benoit Joly, “How did the gene become a chemical compound? The ontology of the gene and the patenting of DNA,”Social Sciences Information 50, no. 2 (June 2011): 157-177.

Monika Kurath

  • Monika Kurath, “Nanotechnology Governance: Accountability and Governance in New Modes of Regulation and De-liberation,” Science, Technology and Innovation Studies 5, no.2 (2009): 87-110.

Les Levidow

Javier Lezaun

  • Javier Lezaun, “Bees beekeepers and bureaucrats: parasitism, and the politics of transgenic life,” Environment and Planning D: Society in Space(June 2011).

Martin Mahony

Marybeth L. Martello

  • Marybeth L. Martello, “Indigenous Peoples as Representations and Representatives of Climate Change,” Social Studies of Science 38, no. 3 (June 2008): 351-376.

Clark Miller

Hilary Robinson

Krishanu Saha

  • Krishanu Saha, David E. Winickoff and Gregory Graff, “Opening Stem Cell Research and Development: A policy Proposal for the Management of Data, Intellectual Property, and Ethics Winter,”Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics (Winter 2009): 52-127.

Marc Saner

If you have an article that directly benefited from engagement with SDN and would like to feature it on this page, please submit it here.